Posted by: Admin on Fri, May 26, 2006
Everyone is invited to attend and participate in the conference. Together, we can stop the violence! Click link for conference details!
The conference will bring together community leaders and experts from diverse professions who will examine the different kinds of violence that plague Philadelphia and the Haddington community, in particular, including crime and conflicts between groups and ethnicities . Conference attendees also will consider the roles of cultural production (film, television, music and news media) and character development as they contribute toward understanding and controlling violence. Participants will not only describe these issues, but also will formulate specific recommendations and/or action plans to reduce the violence that is afflicting the community in crisis proportions.
Community organizations, churches, policy-makers, law enforcement officials, concerned Black men, City officials, media, pastors, educators, parents, youth, street workers, and senior citizens in the Haddington area are invited to attend this important event.
The conference will be held at Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church in the heart of the Haddington community at 5620 Wyalusing Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. The church, with a current membership of 300, has been successfully ministering to children, youth and adults in the West Philadelphia vineyard since 1922. The church will provide its sanctuary, meeting rooms, dining room, and gymnasium to an anticipated audience of 350-400 persons.
The format for the day-long conference will be an opening keynote speaker, morning workshops, lunch, afternoon workshops and culminating event. Respected violence workers such as Bilal Qayyum, David Fattah, Police Commissioner Sylvester Johnson, 19th Police District Captain Mulkowsky, Councilman Michael Nutter and other prominent officials, pastors, teachers, health professionals, parents and others who will serve as speakers and panelists offering their insights and experiences in dealing with problem of violence and offering themselves as crucial partners in the anti-violence movement.
The workshops will explore the current situation, what is working and not working in violence treatment and prevention programs/approaches for the below constituents, and present specific recommendations to appropriate persons and institutions for review, comment and implementation:
A. Violence in the World of Our Youth (bullying, gangs, school, campus, dating, weapons, random violence)
B. Violence in the World of Our Families (spousal abuse, sibling battering, sexual and verbal abuse, anger, substance abuse, child abuse)
C. Violence in the World of Our Community (shootings, rapes, stabbings, beatings, guns, drugs, sniper attacks, terrorists attacks)
D. Violence in the World of Our Seniors (predatory crime, scams, elder abuse: physical and mental abuse, exploitation, abandonment)
The noon luncheon will showcase successful violence prevention programs, present awards to outstanding anti-violence workers in the community, and memorialize the many victims of crime who have perished on our streets.
Every participant will be given an anti-violence manual or sourcebook of violence prevention services, interventions, strategies, activities, best practices, tactics, checklists, readings, youth services, Town Watch resources, mental health providers, government resources, churches, ministries, neighborhood safety and support programs, counselors, prayer partners, mentoring programs, clubs, professional groups, older adult services, parent groups, educational programs and other resources that they can use for encouragement, help, and support in preventing violence by children, adolescents and adults in the Haddington community.
The conference is free and open to everyone, including vendors. "Blessed are the Peacemakers in Haddington" t-shirts will be available for purchase.
Welcome to Violence Conference!
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