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Troop 194's Charter renewed to January 31, 2006! Troop 194's Charter renewed to January 31, 2006!

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Troop 194's Charter renewed to January 31, 2006!

Posted by: Admin on Sat, Apr 16, 2005

Scoutmaster Clifton Officer and Troop 194 thank Camphor Memorial UMC for sponsoring the unit for over 50 years and Mr. Reese Brown and  Camphor Memorial's United Methodist Men for all their support and finacial assistance this year  in obtaining the renewal of the charter with the Boy Scouts of America for one year through January 31, 2006.  A full program of Cub Scout and Boy Scout meetings, camping, training, outdoor activities and other programs have been planned for the year.  Boys (and families) interested in joining are encouraged to call Scoutmaster Officer at 215-474-9363 or come to the Camphor Church any Saturday morning at 10 am.  Scouting builds character, citizenship and fitness!
   Discussion: Troop 194\'s Charter renewed to January 31, 2006!

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