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Happy December Birthday!
Posted by: Admin on Tue, Dec 1, 2009
Ms. Tiy Adams
Mrs. Margaret Alford
Mrs. Bertha Bell
Ms. Nicole Boston
Mr. Mark Bounds
Mr. Reese J. Brown, Jr.
Mrs. Samuel Carmichael
Mrs. Marian Curry
Ms. Michelle Flamer
Mrs. Margaret B. Freeman
Mrs. Carolyn Harmon
Mrs. Eva D. Harris
Ms. Lorraine Howard
Mr. Ronald Jasper
Mr. John Howard-Johnson
Mrs. Lewisene Jordan
Mrs. Jestine King
Mr. David Lawrence, Sr.
Mr. Malcolm Poindexter, III
Mr. Jeffrey Savage, Sr.
Ms. LaVerne Taylor
Mrs. Gloria E. Todd
Ms. Elaine Welles
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