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June 24th is Student Recognition Sunday June 24th is Student Recognition Sunday

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June 24th is Student Recognition Sunday

Posted by: Sharon on Sat, Jun 9, 2012

Recognizing all of our students for their Christian and academic acheivements

You and your family are invited to

Student Recognition Sunday
June 24, 2012
11:00 am Worship Service

Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church


We will recognize all of our students for their Christian and scholastic achievements, highlighting those graduating from 5th, 8th or 12th grade and college as well as those completing graduate degrees. If your son or daughter (or yourself) is graduating, please let us know. Graduation is a blessed event and we want to make sure their hard work is recognized.
We know that we have a lot of talented children and youth in our church. If your child (Pre-school
12th Grade) has excelled in academics, sports, music or any other interest, please let us know. If your son or daughter was on the honor roll or won a spelling bee or had a starring roll in the school play or any other outstanding achievement, we would like to include that information in a special bulletin insert on Sunday, June 24.

Please submit all student info by June 14 by completing the Student Recognition profile found on the Sunday School (under Camphor Youth) page of the website. Forms are also available at the church. Please include your school or favorite picture of yourself with your profile.

A repast will follow the worship service.


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